Building self confidence

As a Chapter Lead your role is to support and develop your team to their best potential. As with everyone there is always going to be an element of self doubt, whether it is their own ability or it might even be in your own to provide the right guidance. Stepping out of your comfort zone is where most people learn and grow the most, it is also where most will experience a lack of self confidence.

Working agile where progress is measured and checked in small incramental steps is an ideal enviroment to build self confidence. I have found the following in no particular order great steps to use as talking points to help build confidence..

Small Steps

Setting realistic goals by breaking down larger intiatives into small achievable tasks and make sure each of these goals is celebrated along the way to build a sense of accomplishment.

Learn from your mistakes by making sure they are always viewed as an opportnuity for growth. Make sure you analalyse what went wrong so it isn’t repeated and remember you are working in small steps so they are only small mistakes.

Spending time on preperation and practice, whether it be presentation delivery or discussing scenarios, it isn’t wasted time – it will help to build confidence by reducing anxiety and the outcome after the event will always feel worth it.


Think Positive

Work on replacing negative thoughts with positive affirmations and focusing on the individual or team strengths and past success. Provide examples that help to breakdown the can’t do it attitude.

Try and spend the majority of time working with supportive and positive people – Cultivating the right culture in yours and their teams to remove toxic relatinoships is time well spent. It will lift the confidence within a group for the longer term.

Ensure your ratio of complements is always significantly higher than negative feedback. When reciving complements learn to accept them without downplaying them and try to coach the same so it helps to reinforce self-worth and buld confidence.

Regularily seek constructive feedback from your team so it becomes normal practice for them to do the same. Make sure the feedback is always used as a tool for improvement.

Regularily review the end goal and discuss what success looks like. Helping to visualise the success can create a positive mindset and you can reinforce the positive steps taken to date.

Regular exercise is also a topic that has numerous benefits, including stress reduction, increased energy levels and can positively impact self esteem. Discussing whether this is something that can help situations to get into the right frame of mind.


Work on body language and presentation. Even with lots of remote working now it is important to maintin standards that help to build and project self confidence. In person think about mainting eye contact and posture. Walking confidently into meetings can help to influence your mindset and project a positive image to others. For online simple things like ensuring the camera is always on provides confidence to others.

Wearing clothes that make you feel good about yourself and can project a positive self-image to others might be an apporopriate discussion topic to help if there are presentations etc. required.